The list of Rhode Island politicians who [intended] agree with the radical leftist Wanubi Project’s position that RI citizens are so racist, murder is justified

The Wanubi Project, a radical leftist organization based in Rhode Island, held a rally at the Temple of Music at Roger Williams Park on April 1st, 2020. The organization’s invitation to their rally demanded if one does not accept their interpretation of “freedom” they should be killed.

Despite a clearly fascist disposition, four elected officers in Rhode Island expressed their support and acceptance of such an outrageously un-American and despicable organization.

Below is the list of Rhode Island politicians who believe the vast majority of their constituents are racists, and therefore willing to support a group that expressed, without an ounce of ambiguity; America, “you are going down . . .”

* Mayor Jorge Elorza (no show)
* Senator Harold M. Metts
* Rep. Marcia-Vassell
* Rep. Anastasia Williams

Here is the invitation inciting violence and advocating the murder of those who do not agree with the Wanubi Project:

See the Facebook post here for the list of politicians who support such outrageous and violent acts against Rhode Island citizens:

Is this America? Why is the mainstream media in Rhode Island whitewashing this story? Another “mostly peaceful protest” rest assured . . .

Please help FIGHT BACK against the MSM propaganda: